After years of struggling, Margaret Alezuyo, a resident of Andrivu, in Arua city says they feels at peace as the church came under the management of FAVOUR Prayer Church Ministries.
Alezuyo began embracing spiritual worship after she was perturbed by instability at home where rampant fighting among drunkard brothers tormented her and the family members for years.
In 2015, she lost a child after going to the hospital when the child was sick and no sickness was found.
Alezuyo, a member of the women fellowship of the Anglican church began going to St Phillips church in Arua City.
In 2016, she began attending spirit-led prayers at Abiriambati in town. At around this time, she met one Mama Faith, who also was conducting prayers at Onduparaka near the Bakery.
But on one morning in 2017, as she went for prayers, she found that the landlord was evicting Mama Faith.
Alezuyo returned home and asked family members if they could host Mama Faith at their home. Thus marked the birth of the Andrivu church.
As time went on many people began coming for deliverance and healing prayers and the number grew big that one of Alezuyo’s relatives, Alfred Anguaku, offered land on which a shelter was erected for church service.
However, just like in any other place, churches that worship in truth and spirit face immense persecution and fight from the devil and his agents, that people started talking against the church and at night passersby would hurl stones towards the home.
Eventually, Mama Faith was forced to abandon the area, leaving Alezuyo and a few faithful to continue.
“For me I had welcomed a visitor, Mama Faith who planted the church and I did not know that the church was going to be left in my hands,” she says.
It was in around mid-2014 during a home ministry conducted by the members of FAVOUR Prayer Church Ministries near the Arua airfield that a vision was revealed about the struggling church.
This was when FAVOUR leadership stepped in to bring the church under its umbrella, thus becoming the fourth center of worship in its management.
“We have felt some peace since people from FAVOUR came here,” Alezuyo says with a glimpse of gladness.
She says there is still a lingering fear that the children of some of her brothers, influenced by religious indoctrination may try to evict the church from the family land in future.

While preaching to the congregation on the first Sunday of the New Year 2025, Sr Mercy Ayikoru, of FAVOUR Prayer Church Ministries told the people to leave those worries to Christ and move on with their lives.
She said the difference between people who worship by truth and spirit and those driven by religious ideology is that people who worship by truth and spirit seek prophesies, revelations about their problems, healing and deliverance while people driven by religious doctrine seek for popularity minding of whether there will be a big crowd at the time of their burial.
“Dedicate yourselves and honour your vows to serve Jesus Christ. If you know that the person who saves people from sin and powers of Satan is Christ, you will not go to witchdoctors, you will not mind about what people say about you,” she said.