Leading clerics in Arua City and district have called upon Christians to work for economic emancipation of their households in the New Year 2025.
Bishop Charles Collins Andaku of the Anglican Madi-West Nile diocese and Pastor James Obetia of the Pentecostal FAVOUR Prayer Church Ministries issued rhyming calls during their respective New Year’s messages.
They noted that the West Nile people live in a complicated and troubled world, polluted and corrupted with sin, child sacrifices, false prophets and false preachers in the city and suburbs, gender-based violence, land grabbing and economic hardships.
They called for good parenting, good care of the environment, improvement of food security and household incomes and good social behaviour under the guidance of the Holy spirit.

“In 2024, the devil really used a big gun to fight our economic progress but the devil will never prevail upon us,” said Pastor Obetia.
He said despite the devil’s war against the church, FAVOUR continued to minister to the people through its branches at Andrivu in Arua City, Bondo in nd Odia in Arua district and Ozoo Pedele in Aru, DR Congo.
He rallied the Christians to collectively work towards improving their economic standing so as to support the church and inturn enhance the church’s ability to support the handicap through charitable giving and creation of opportunities for those being emancipated from oppression by the devil’s agents.
Obetia asserted that Christians should use the hardships of 2024 as a way of God refining and purifying them for restoration into spiritual greatness.

Bishop Andaku on the other hand noted that New Year celebration often comes with excitements, uncertainty and sometimes wildly celebrations leading to expenses.
He listed excitement of new things such as new house, new model car, new shoes, new album for gospel artists, new book for writers, new business, new hairstyles for ladies, new political parties, two-years dance, travelling abroad, social parties, fireworks, tournaments, new girlfriend or boyfriend, new husband or wife as some of the things that come with anxiety and worries if not done with God’s guidance.
“The future looks blank and darky but God tells us in Isaiah 40:31 that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength in the new year, they will shore on wings like eagle, they will run and not faint,” the bishop said.
Andaku advised that the Christians should flashback on the success stories and shortfalls of 2024 and where they have fallen short, they need to repent of the sins.
“New creation in Christ can make a difference. If in Christ all is born again, then the old is gone and the new has come. Imitate God by doing good at all times because God is good,” he reiterated.
The clerics thanked President Yoweri Museveni and the government for the leadership, peace and freedom of worship ushered to the people in 2024 and prayed that this continues in the New Year.

“Sincere heartfelt thanks to the people of God for the services they rendered, the prayers, the team work, the counsel and financial help which all ended to bring us to this far, we remember the religious leaders, the health fraternity, the army, the police, the farmers, business community, the common man and the media fraternity,” bishop Andaku in particular said.
The bishop highlighted that the Lord’s goodness is seen in very many things: “justice is being done in the country, we have experienced love like father’s love, good air, new children, wives and the rest.”
He counselled that it is a biblical mandate to imitate God and a Christian mandate to do good in every aspect of life by being good children of God through our life style, the business we do, being kind to the needy and sow seeds of goodness in spirit.
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Happy New Year 2025 🙏