In rural North-western Uganda and parts of Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, it is not unusual that the Christmas period generates tensions and pressures among the community.
Many Christians backslide in faith due to over emphasis on the pursuance of material things such as clothes, food and drinks for a fervent celebration.
However, this time round, Christians have been urged to focus on God instead of being distracted by desires for material things as they prepare for Christmas.
In a moving summon to the congregation at FAVOUR prayer church, SR Mercy Ayikoru implored the people to mind how Jesus will remark upon them when the judgement time comes.
“If associations -the friends that we are having- you are seeing that they are traying to draw you away from your God, it is better you stay alone because it will benefit you when the judgement time comes,” she said.
“You shall be alone; nobody will accompany you; no mother will accompany a child. He is coming and you will stand alone in the race,” asserted Ayikoru.
She added: “Why do you allow people to divert your attention from God? Why do you allow friends to separate you from the love of God? Why do you want food to separate you from the love of God? Why do you want hair to separate you from the love of God? When that time [of judgement] comes these things shall be useless, they will not help you.”

Ayikoru said there is no lying about the second coming of Jesus but he will be asking for accountability from each person when that happens.
She elaborated that among many, “Jesus decided to call us by name, not because we are the most holy but out of his abundant grace and favour upon us. He wanted to use us, he wants to raise us in spirit; he is the one who raises the humble and brings down the proud.”
She challenged the Christians to get ready for Jesus’ coming and serve to ensure that his remarks are good about them.
But she said that the question is whether we are using his gifts to win more souls or destroy souls?
“Are we winning more souls for him or we are winning souls for Satan? He is coming, he will ask for accountability; where shall we be?”
Referencing Isaiah 59, Ayikoru reemphasized that God’s hands are not short to save and he is not deaf, only that his eyes are turned away from people because of iniquities.
She noted that often times Christians are complaining, others even question whether God is there and falsely alleging that anointed servants are saying prayers of curse against them.
“And yet it is us who are our own curse. Its our sins that have made the eyes of God to turn away from us.,” she emphasized.
“What he desires of us is broken heartedness. If we ask him, he shall forgive us; he is a merciful God, the one who forgives. That is the God we are serving,” concluded Ayikoru.