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Courtesy Photo: Conference at the Italian senate

By Our Correspondent

A conference organised  in the Italian Senate on November 29th, 2022 titled “Iran protests :is it the beginning of the fall of the regime” by EPP group in the European Union (EU) parliament and head of Forza Italia Mep Martusciello together with Members of Parliament  Rubano and Patriarca  among many others who showed their admiration to the courageous struggle of Iranian women.

This was in the name of freedom and individual rights following the uprisings in Iran  after the death of Mahsa Amini.

The debate was moderated by the journalist and responsible for the Azzurro Donna, Alessandra Iannuccilli, the speakers were Italian deputies such as Annarita Patriarca, Francesco Maria Rubano, Alessandro Battilocchio, Tommaso Calderone and Senator Francesco Sylvester.

The challenge of Iranian women against the repressive forces of the regime – said Rubano – represents a battle for freedom which, in my opinion, cannot be reduced simplistically to the ideological schemes of feminism! In Iran it is not only women who are oppressed – added Senator Silvestro – but anyone who does not submit to the regime of the Ayatollahs.

Mep Martusciello invited everyone to question themselves more generally on the coercive nature of Islamism , both Shiite and Sunni which impose the veil, the hijab and even the burka, not only in Iran, but in all countries where a religious caste based on fundamentalism is in power – a risk which – according to Mep – is also perceived in the Islamized quarters of Europe.

Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber with which the Italian government is asked to put in place all the diplomatic and political instruments useful for carrying out , is expected to put pressure on Tehran to respect human rights, leaving as a possible last resort  the use of specific sanctions against the regime.

Ghazel Afshar, the representative of Iranian youth in Italy called the Italian government and the EU to support the Iranian youth and the revolution by mentioning her story and how she herself lost members of her family but continued the fight for a better future for her country and her people.

Dowlat Nowruzi, human rights defender and UK representative of the Iranian opposition mentioned the horrors that the regime inflicted upon dissidents and political opposition leaders and now against youth and women and called the EU and the west to support women and protestors victims of arbitrary arrests and death penalties.

She also stressed the fact that not only the Iranian population is victim of Iranian terror but also Arab countries such as Syria ,Iraq ,Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen who are victims of Iran militia and proxies.

Mehdi Nobari, the President of the international association for culture and human rights in Brussels and representative of the Iranian diaspora in Belgium mentioned the resolution adopted lately by the Belgian government which sanctions the Iranian regime and thanked the Italian parliament for supporting such a resolution in Italy and Europe as well as the impact of these measures on the population there who feel that they are supported by the west.

This comes after so many decades of persecution and constant struggle against the inhumane regime of Iran. The Iranian people kindly  request member states to put IRGC on EU terrorist list.

The debate was concluded by Manel Msalmi, International Affairs Adviser and President of EADM who mentioned the threat that the Iranian regime represents for peace and security in the Middle East and Europe.

“Freedom of expression, in all its forms, she said – represents an inalienable and non-negotiable principle according to which the Western world and its millenary culture, while respecting the diversity of peoples, must fight without hesitation, without fear, and without restrictions”. 

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